Mold Damage: What Does The Repair Process Look Like?

Posted on: Saturday July 17, 2021 at 8:09 PM

mold damage savannah ga, mold damage remediation savannah ga, mold damage repair savannah ga,Summer months are always such a great time full of fun, vacations, water fights, and lawn care. That wasn’t an exhaustive list but the point was that summer is supposed to be enjoyed as well as the rest of the year. Along with summer and fun comes heat and humidity, particularly for a place like Savannah, GA. This sort of environment creates the perfect growing ground for mold to grow. Mold can become dangerous for anyone that is exposed to it over time. Sometimes mold can grow without our knowledge as well. It may grow under carpet or in the bathroom. No matter where it is growing, with time, mold becomes an even greater problem. 

Mold Damage In Savannah, GA

The best course of action is always to try to prevent mold from growing in your home in the first place. This may not always be possible however. If mold does grow in your home, it’s best to leave the mold remediation to the professionals. They will be able to properly get rid of the mold effectively and safely and help in preventing it from growing again. 

The Repair Process

By calling in a professional mold damage remediation company you can rest easy knowing that they are getting the job done correctly. It’s nice to know what the repair process looks like however. There are certain steps that a professional company may take.

  1. In order for mold to be removed, it needs to be assessed. A professional team may investigate to find how big of a mold problem it is and where it is growing. From there, they can make a remediation plan that is custom made for the mold problem at hand. 
  2. The areas with mold will then be closed off in order to prevent the mold from spreading anywhere else in the home.
  3. The air will need to be rid of mold spores which is done by HEPA filters. Mold spores are how mold travels through the air. Once a mold spore lands on a moist surface, it will grow. Removing all mold spores from the air will help in preventing mold from growing again.
  4. The mold will then be removed. This is done using proper equipment and antimicrobial cleaners. A sealant will be apple in order to improve water and mold resistance in the future.
  5. All the materials will be properly dried and you can be educated on how to ensure that moisture doesn’t become a problem in the future.

Once these five steps are done, any materials that were damaged by the mold will be replaced. Before a professional mold damage remediation company leaves they can double check everything is properly taken care of and help educate you on how to prevent mold growth in the future. The repair process is smooth and simple when done by a professional. If you suspect mold growth in your home, don’t wait for it to become a greater issue. Give them a call. They can get the mold remediation done correctly.