
How To Prevent A Water Heater Flood

An often unthought-of scenario is a water heater bursting. Out of nowhere, the ceiling can cave in with water rushing everywhere. Unfortunately, this kind of event occurring is a lot more common than one would think, as a water heater bursting or leaking is one of (more)

How Can Winter Weather Lead To Water Damage In My Home?

Winter poses unique water damage threats to your home. These threats are caused by cold temperatures, structural damage such as water freezes and unfreezes, and snow accumulation. Savannah Water Damage Restoration From our water damage restoration professionals at Harper Special Services, here are five ways that winter weather can lead to water (more)

What To Do If Your Rental Floods

It’s a nightmare scenario that no one ever wants to have to happen to them — flooding. Beyond damaging your possessions, flooding can put you in danger, disrupt your way of life, and have lasting, long-term consequences. There are important differences in how you should deal with a flood depending (more)

The Process Of A Water Damage Restoration

There’s nothing like coming home and finding your ceiling has caved in with water streaming down your walls. Water damage can be very upsetting, especially when you aren't prepared for it and have no idea how to deal with it correctly. Savannah Water Damage Restoration After experiencing water damage, one of the (more)

Water Damage Restoration VS Water Mitigation

Water damage can suddenly strike your home at any time. There are several ways that this happens, whether that be through natural disasters, the structural integrity of your home, or faulty appliances. No matter the situation, it will likely be necessary that water mitigation or water damage restoration services are (more)

Here Is Why You Need to Disinfect Your Home After Water Damage 

If you've just experienced water damage and had your home restored, congratulations! You're now officially a member of the cleanup club. Unfortunately, most people who go through this process don't realize how important it is to disinfect their homes properly. Here are four reasons you should ensure your house is (more)